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  • eTÍTULO (electronic Diploma)


    It is a service developed by Signe through which Spanish universities, foreign universities and private centres of higher education can offer their students the possibility of receiving, along with their degree, an electronic copy of their qualification. The service for generating the electronic copy of the degree can be implemented immediately, it does not require any development by the client and does not involve altering the ordering process of their degrees

    Signe Group Catalogue

    Outline of the process of creating the electronically signed pdf.

    • 1 Sending of lists

    • 2 Data upload
      and generation of the pdf

    • 3 Sending the graduate
      the code to
      download their eTítulo

    • 4 Download of the eTítulo with
      electronic signature seal
      on the graduate portal


    Signe, accredited as an electronic certification authority, generates the electronic seal for the body or centre, to be able to electronically sign documents.

    eTÍTULO & Blockchain

    Linking the eTítulo, an authentic electronic copy of the academic degree, with Blockchain means a double guarantee. On the one hand, the eTítulo itself has many advantages: it is a PDF document of the degree, signed with the electronic seal of the University and a time seal that accredits the qualification. This electronic document guarantees the integrity of the information contained in the document and has the same legal validity as the original document.

    eTítulo guarantees the truth of the content because it is issued and electronically sealed by the institution itself, the only body who can accredit it, and being registered on the Blockchain network, it guarantees the traceability and immutability of the contents.