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  • Electronic certification


    As a Certification Authority, Signe is authorised to issue digital certificates for graduates, legal persons, private entities and public institutions.  In order to guarantee clients the complete safekeeping of their documents, it has the latest electronic storage systems.

    • We issue documents in digital support, signed electronically that meet the same inviolability guarantees offered by our printed documents.

    • We offer integral solutions for the delivery and electronic registration of official documents, in which paper is replaced by new technologies.

    • We issue advanced electronic signature certificates

    We are electronic certification authority

    Signe is a qualified trust service provider, which has the eIDAS Certificate of electronic identification and trust services. (Regulation eIDAS 910/2014 / CE –
    Unique and standardized that is applied in all the Member States of the European Union and that offers a legal framework for the acceptance of identities and electronic signatures).

    We are approved by the Ministry of Industry and recognized by Microsoft and Adobe.
    A Test Certificate Kit may be requested from our technical contact at the following address signe-ac@signe.com.